Your health is our priority

Hi, I'm Dr. Mike. I didn't find chiropractic medicine; chiropractic found me. About 12 years ago, I hurt my back so severely that I was in excruciating pain 24 hours a day. I had no quality of life. After a couple of months, I was on the phone trying to schedule surgery. A chiropractor friend called me, and as we were talking, he said he could get me healthy. I was skeptical due to the amount of pain I was experiencing. He healed me, and I knew I wanted to be a chiropractor. A couple of years later, I enrolled in chiropractic school. I graduated Omega Psi with academic honors. There is nothing I'd rather be than a chiropractor, and when someone puts their health in my hands, I consider that a huge honor. I lead an active lifestyle and have injured myself many times, and chiropractic has always healed me. These experiences have given me vast experience in different ways to help my patients. I know how effective I can be as a health provider and a healer. I look forward to seeing you and getting you to peak expression in your life.




Soft Tissue Mobilization

Digital Motion Study X-ray

Bodybuilders and fitness people have been using, very extensively, chiropractors in order to stay healthy and fit. Whenever I had a little problem with my body, I always ran to one of my dear friends, he was always right there with the adjustments. This is how I found out the best way of going, is to use chiropractors, not only after injuries, but also before injury.

– Arnold Schwarzenegger